
Tips on How to Re-Mother Yourself for A Better Life

We  all were mothered differently and whether you had the best mom on the planet or your mom wasn’t there at all. I think those of us who had mothers may find that there were some spots where they left unfulfilled. As we get older and have our own children we find those missing parts where we were not mothered correctly. And it’s okay. Most of our mothers were doing the best they could with the tools they had at the time. So, if there is healing that needs to take place then heal. But once you finally heal you may need to still re-mother yourself now that you are an adult is your responsibility to take control of your life and mother yourself exactly how you need to be mothered.


What is Re-mothering?

What – Re-mothering is the process and practice of updating patterns of how you were mothered or not mothered and re-wiring with intention so you can turn within to access the mother qualities you seek. Re-mothering is a form of self-care with the purpose of paying attention to our inner selves to discover how we need to be mothered. Once we find out these qualities is our turn to practice mothering ourselves in the ways we need until it becomes who we are naturally.



How do I know if I need re-mothering?

You need re-mothering if you are a person. Period. We all need some type of re-mothering in some way because no mother is perfect. However, if you’re relationship with your mother is strained and disconnected then you definitely need to practice re-mothering yourself. If you seek the need to be loved and appreciated by others more so than yourself then chances are you need re-mothering. Re-mothering leads you to love yourself within first and then that love pours out to others in the best way.




What are the benefits of Re-Mothering?

RE-mothering helps you to reach the next level of life. It’s as if you upgraded your life and who you are overall. Blockages disappear and you create space to be in such a way that powerfully takes you to places you’ve never been before. It will upgrade those who are around you and how you see the world and life in a positive way.



I am currently practicing this and it has helped me in amazing ways. I wrote in my journal the ways I need to be mothered and I am mothering myself in those ways and it’s healing for me. Years ago I entered into a spiritual awaking need that took me to a higher plane of existence which was great. But as we know the journey of growing as a human being is never-ending and so today I am experiencing a new level of growth and I’m so grateful.


Here are tips and ways you can begin to

Re-Mothering yourself


  1. Positive Self-Talk. Push through the tough days by encouraging yourself. You are not here to be perfect. Know who you are and know that you have the best intentions. If this is so then when you fail know that it doesn’t mean you’re a failure.
  2. Accepting that you are whole as you are today. Find a way to believe that you are enough as you are today. If certain things happen in the future that will not make you more worthy of whatever you desire or have. You are worthy now. This is the truth so believe it.
  3. Setting clear boundaries. Often as children our boundaries are intruded upon because we were kids and often didn’t get the respect we even ourselves didn’t know we needed. Demand it today.
  4. Creating a mental self-care routine. Make a list of ways to nurture your mind and do it every day
  5. Be the mother you desire to be for your children by being it for yourself. What type of mother do you desire to be? Right it down and do that for yourself. We often do for our kids what we wish was done for us.
  6. Meeting the needs of your inner child. First, accept you have an inner child and then give it the validation and connections it needed then to heal your heart.
  7. Dance and freely move your body. Dancing and moving your body is a great way to get connected to ourselves. Especially if you’re not a great dancer it’s liberating to dance anyway it’s a freeing activity.
  8. Reinvent your home in a way that’s safe for you. Our space is sacred and should be honored. As a child, we often didn’t get to choose how our space should be. Today create an environment to make you feel good and is inspiring to do. Your souls work
  9. Create. Whatever it is creating will help inspire you to continue to build and be a creator on the daily creating feeds the soul and makes it happy which will then reflect in our daily life.
  10. Spend time in nature regularly. Nature often tells us what we should hear. It is often a reminder do to things we often don’t take seriously but need to.  Like being still and Letting it be.



We are all shaped by how we grew up and the relationship dynamics we had with our caregivers. Ask yourself questions if you are unsure where to start. Begin to ask yourself how you felt when certain life events have happened in your life. The ones that still are in your mind. The ones that you have never forgotten. And write down the way you felt. Then mother yourself at the moment how you would have wanted to be mothered. Practice the act of re-mothering everyday because your Inner child needs to know that she is safe and loved. Let your inner child give your current self and then future self permission freely live the life she so desperately desires.

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