
Want to Avoid Mommy Burnout? Here’s How!

Mom Burnout is the ongoing stress from the never-ending call of taking care of your children. Moms typically feel extremely exhausted and out of touch with what’s going on with their kids. Feelings of being on auto-piolet and lack of connection occur and the often depression and feelings of sadness can follow. Mom burnout usually occurs in situations happening over time. There usually isn’t one big moment that causes a mom to feel this way.


The constant demand and need that a child has is pretty much never-ending. And did I mention it’s constant? Not to mention because they are such fresh human beings they don’t know about mom burnout or even understand the concept of such complexities of life. They just know their needs and request for them to be met. It gets tough as we know. And because we are mothers literally born to do this and we couple that notion with the idea of the type of mother we desire to be we can push ourselves to an unsafe place. Attempting balance and perfection as a mother can harm both you and your children. Thus leading you to mommy burnout. Truthfully, self-care techniques probably won’t cure mom burnout. However, I believe there are ways to help prevent it.


Symptoms of Mommy Burnout


  • Physical Exhaustion
  • Mental Fatigue
  • Easily angered
  • Lack of emotional feelings
  • Feeling isolated from the world
  • Lack of connection with children
  • Feeling extremely guilty about how you’re mothering
  • Feel like you are not a good parent and feel guilty about it
  • Overly focused on the next task and letting that overwhelm you
  • Experiencing mom rage
  • Regretting having children
  • Fantasizing about escaping
  • Extreme feelings of “never good enough” at home or at work
  • Concerns that your children deserve someone “better” than you
  • Disconnection from partner/co-parent
  • Social Fatigue



Motherhood consists of a ray of emotional highs mids and even lows but if you feel you are experiencing constant depression and disconnection with no hope for change then you should seek help immediately.



Below here I have found these tips to be very helpful when I’m feeling stressed or just down. These tips are great to do especially if you don’t feel overwhelmed at the moment. These tips can help you avoid mommy burnout which should be our goal for sure.


Tips to avoid Mommy Burnout

  1. Healthy diet. Really cannot say this enough. Our diet affects us in many ways and in more ways we do not know and see but we are experiencing it for sure. If you don’t already have a healthy diet. Try starting to illuminate processed foods from your diet. You will see a big difference.
  2. Wake up early with intention. Waking up and jumping straight into mommy mode will leave you feeling as if that’s all you are and that’s all you do. It’s important to wake up before your kid does so you can do things for yourself and be an individual. Because well you are.
  3. Take an exercise class. If you don’t already exercise consistently then taking a class will be the accountability you need to move your body.
  4. Having lunch with a friend or relative. Connecting with other women and moms is very important. It helps when you can see that you’re not alone and that other women are experiencing the exact same feeling as you. Other women may also have helping advice tips or can connect you with someone who does. This makes a positive difference.
  5. Take mandatory days off. Leave the dishes where they are. Leave the laundry where it is and just wooshah. It’s important to listen to your body and if you’re tired take a day or two so that you can continue on and not get to a point of no return. And if you’re feeling really adventurous put days off on your calendar and take them no matter what. Find a way to pamper yourself.
  6. Kids don’t need to be in every activity. Many moms are burning themselves out by running their kids around all year round to every activity. If you are feely ng burnt out and this is a huge factor then you should cut back. Sometimes is great to take a break and teach your child the benefits of being still and that keeping busy does not define you.
  7. Simplify your day. It’s all about execution and being effective. You can complete 3 things that day and have a successful day. Keeping busy doesn’t mean you are being effective with your time. Be smart.
  8. Priority rule. What is the priority for the day? Make sure you at least get that done whether it’s laundry or a business meeting. Do the priority. And everything else can move to the next day of to-dos.
  9. Take a nap or two. Sleep is important. So take the nap, please.
  10. Meditate for Mental clarity. For those whose mind runs a hundred miles a minute, this is especially for you. The thing is that it’s the hardest for you to believe that this actually can benefit you. Do the research and try it out.
  11. Dance even if you have two left feet. dancing is phenomenal for the heart. Which is important to keep in good condition when you’re mommy-ing all day.
  12. Breath deeply. Most of us don’t know how important it is to breathe deeply and even more so how often we forget to do so. Breathing deeply helps to detoxify the body, decreases stress, and increases energy. Do it all day every day.
  13. Fix the Oodles and Noodles (Ramen Noodles). I know you want to make breakfast lunch and dinner as you see it on Pinterest and Tik Tok but… make the damn noodles and go to bed.
  14. Seek out a therapist. Above all get professional help if you believe you desperately need it.

1 Comment

  1. […] are a mom then you especially need to take care of your body so that you won’t experience mommy burnout. Therefore I have cultivated the best self-care tips for beginners. You’re a beginner if […]

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