
The Best Toddler Morning Guide for a Sahm

Why are morning routines important?

Morning routines are important when you have a toddler at home because it is what sets the tone for the day. Routines are great especially for children because provide the consistency that children need and they help develop emotional security. When you stay at home there is no set schedule you have placed before you to follow so you must create one. One misconception is those morning routines have to be complicated. And that is far from the truth I actually believe that it should be quite simple.


How do you form a great morning routine for your toddler?

The key to establishing a routine or what is most important is developing consistency and psychological security within yourself and your child. It also is great for learning. About basic hygiene and how it’s important to start your day by taking care of yourself before you go out into the world. It sets a stage for you to incorporate learning techniques and build an overall bond with your child.


“The key to establishing a routine or what is most important is developing consistency and psychological security within yourself and your child. “




A snapshot from my Instagram where I made a post sharing my night-time  routine (which is similar to my morning routine) with my daughter.


Have you ever talked to your child’s teacher about what they do in school and you find out they clean up after themselves and eat a certain food you never thought they would eat? I learned children like order and routines and they are capable of doing so much more than our parents allowed them to show. It also empowers the child and builds confidence when they see how much they can do and how capable they actually are. Action breeds confidence. And routines and discipline start in the home. Discipline doesn’t mean chastising all the time it means being diligent consistently. And when you are staying at home it is important to create your own order and routines.


Morning Guide Tips Every Mom Should Know!


  1. When they wake up have them say a short affirmation- the intention is important when raising a child and having them say a prayer or affirmation thanking God for waking them up in the morning is a great way to get them accustomed to being thankful and grateful for every day they are given. Even as adults we tend to wake up and get so caught up in our list of todos that we forget to be thankful that we woke up and are breathing air.
  2. Have them sit on the potty. Chances are if you have a toddler they are already potty trained or working on it right now. Potty training first thing in the morning is important as most of us know. You may want to get them to use the potty first then say affirmation second until they are potty trained and can tell you when they need to go.
  3. Have them wash their face and brush their teeth. This is a great time to build amazing habits that will be used and developed as they get older. Have your toddlers wash and brush their teeth themselves. Don’t do it for them because this is a great time for them to learn how to do it themselves. You can have them start and then you finish and get all of the eye boogers they missed. This is a great time to sing songs make silly faces and go over the different body parts they have. Once you find a rhythm do everything the same way every day. Your toddler will catch on and also look forward to the funny little things you do in between brushing their teeth and washing their face.
  4. Have them walk to the kitchen. You and help you make breakfast. Toddlers love this because they love to be in control and learn new things. They also love to do what they see mommy and daddy do. This is a great time to fix their breakfast while also making it another learning opportunity for them. If they love mini pancakes have them count how many you take out of the box and put on the plate. Allow them to press start on the microwave and celebrate with them for doing a great job while helping you. This is much better than having them tugging at you while asking you a bunch of questions and being impatient.
  5. Allow them to watch an educational video while they eat breakfast. This is a great time to get them to learn once again but they will be more inclined to watch it because they are enjoying their food. It’s similar to when we used to read the cereal box in the morning. Take advantage of the times we’re in and have them watch a video on body parts. Which is a great way to reinforce what they were learning while washing their face. Whatever learning video you want to put on is up to you. There are so many great learning videos online for your kids to watch
  6. Have them clean up or help clean up after themselves. This should be a part of your routine yes. And it’s great because it causes them to get in the habit of cleaning up after their mess. They will eventually do it without asking. Have a handy stepping stool conveniently placed right beside the sink. So when they are done they get up and go right to the sink and trash bin. You will be glad you made this a habit for them when they get older. They will still do this and be thankful you raised them this way



The best part about staying at home with your child or toddler is that you can create your schedule and change or alter it anytime you need to. You can tailor it just specifically to the needs of you and your child. You know what’s best for your kid ultimately so try new things get creative and use your personality to make it fun. Toddlers love to play and when we make it fun and playful that is even better. Routines and order will give you the peace you need mama. And you will never turn back.






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