
The Best Beginner Body Self-Care Routine for Moms

It’s trendy nowadays to highlight the importance of mental health and even spiritual health, which is fantastic. Though it’s great, as a collective we have spent effort on understanding the ins and outs of our mental health, taking great care of your body should not be forgotten about. Self-care for moms is essential since we have to literally nurture and keep another human being alive, which is physically demanding. Studies have shown in many cases our gut  (physical) is connected to our mind (mental). The gut produces chemicals the brain uses to regulate physical and mental processes which can affect how we learn and our overall mood. The gut also produces chemicals our brain uses to affect our memory. Whoah! So, while we’re going to therapy don’t forget to go to yoga or dance class to move your body right after.

It’s important that we stay connected to our bodies as physical beings because hey, we are living in a physical world. We are living in a time where we are on our phones and devices all day, sitting at a desk for 8 to 9 hours at a time or sitting on the couch binge-watching our favorite shows. Therefore, it’s important to maintain a body care routine to balance everything out.



So what is Body Self care?

Body self-care is simply taking care of your body in a way that you see fit.  And it’s not just exercising though, that’s a big part of it.



“It’s important that we stay connected to our bodies as physical beings because hey, we are living in a physical world.”




Benefits of Body Self Care

The truth is that when we take care of ourselves physically we are that much more confident to step out into the world boldly. We are confident when we walk into a meeting or at an event meeting with new people. It affects how we present ourselves socially which is important. As human beings we must be social, it is a crucial part of life and is healthy for us. In-person human interaction is necessary for all people.


How to know if you need to take better care of your body?


  1. You may need to develop a physical self-care routine if you feel tired often
  2. Lack of motivation to get up and do more than what’s required of you
  3. Lack of mental clarity.
  4. Feel frustrated often
  5. Look at yourself in the mirror and do not like what you see
  6. Lack of confidence when you step into a room
  7. When it is time to go out you have to rush to get everything done (hair nails outfit etc)
  8. It’s hard to get up in the morning
  9. Have extreme bloating
  10. Always craving certain types of unhealthy foods
  11. You didn’t grow up being taken care of properly physically


Having a Body Self-Care Routine will enhance your life

It’s one thing to exercise or moisturize every now and then but it’s another thing to take care of your body consistently so much so that it becomes a lifestyle. And ultimately that’s where we all want to get to if we’re not there already. Our bodies are our vehicles in this life. Our bodies are how we move in this world. And without our bodies, it’s extremely difficult to function properly and make an impact on our communities. And if you are a mom then you especially need to take care of your body so that you won’t experience mommy burnout. Therefore I have cultivated the best self-care tips for beginners. You’re a beginner if you’ve never had a self-care routine and you need to start at the basic level of taking care of yourself. And if this is true there is no need to feel embarrassed the beautiful thing is that you’re here now and you’re making the choice to start somewhere which is amazing. These are just suggestions, I’m not recommending you do these in the order being given. These are simply suggestions.


Our bodies are how we move in this world. And without our bodies, it’s extremely difficult to function properly and make an impact on our communities.



Body Self-Care Ideas for Moms


  1. Stretch in the morning – Now some people do yoga which is an advanced form of stretching but just simply stretching every morning will do your body so good.
  2. Take out processed foods- Little by little if you have to, this is something that will be a game changer with how you feel overall.  It will help you to wake up earlier in the morning without feeling tired and groggy.
  3. Moisturize your body every night– When you moisturize yourself you are sending a message to your skin that you love it! There’s something about rubbing on your body that tells you that you love you. And it helps you not to look crusty in these streets while sending a message to others that you value yourself.  Which in return then gives people a greater chance of respecting you.
  4. Drink a lot of water– When you drink a lot of water your skin clears up and looks brighter, your body is more flexible, your overall mood improves and your gut deflates. Which is hmm…Awesome!
  5. Move your body– Now of course most of us know we need to exercise but if you don’t exercise regularly start by just moving your body more often. You don’t have to go to the gym or learn how to work the sometimes intimidating machines or know how to do sets of calisthenics. Just move your body. Dancing is good. Find a good hip-hop or Zumba video on YouTube and move!
  6. Manicure your nails- This helps you to look more polished. You don’t need to get a full set every 2 weeks. And even women who get full sets don’t always properly manicure their nails. People forget about this.

1 Comment

  1. Thanks joiemonet I think I will make an great mom now I will be the sexist looking mom in this world by the time I finish doing all those things thanks joiemonet I don’t know what I would do without you you are great

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