
9 Realistic Ways to Overcome Stay at Home Mom Depression

Being a mother can be challenging. It comes with tons of responsibility that seems impossible to master. There are tons of books to read and podcasts to listen to about motherhood but experiencing it in real life is a whole other thing. It is difficult to truly prepare for the sleepless nights, the messy house, the piles of laundry, the baby screams, and more. At the end of the day, many mothers feel defeated. You’ve done so much, you’re tired, and yet you still feel like you haven’t done enough. The good thing is there are ways you can get out of your stay at home mom depression. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

What is Stay at home mom depression?

Stay at home mom depression is an ongoing feeling of sadness and despair from staying at home to raise your children and manage the household.

Do I have Stay at home mom depression?

You may have stay at home mom depression if you are feeling sad everyday for an unusual amount of time. It’s one thing to have a bad day because that’s life and it will happen. But it’s a another thing when you are feeling extremely sad everyday without anything being able to stop it.


  • Difficulty sleepy
  • No Appetite
  • Feeling of regret that you have kids
  • Mental exhaustion
  • Extreme Anger
  • Loss of ambition
  • Loss of vitality
  • Feeling defeated
  • Feeling shameful
  • Feeling disgrace
  • Thoughts of harming yourself


How to deal with Stay at home mom depression

  1. Get dressed – Your mood can instantly change when you get up and get dressed in the morning. Walking about the house all day is loungewear or pajamas will not motivate you to be productive.
  2. Community – Finding great friends to talk to who have common experiences can make a world of difference. You will see that you’re not alone and can exchange tips.
  3. Create a self care lifestyle – It’s not good enough to just get your hair or nails done every blue moon. You must be consistent when taking care of yourself because it’s essential to motherhood.
  4. Prioritize yourself – You cannot poor from an empty cup. Get yourself together first, of course, you do this within reason. The safety and well-being of your children should always come before your hair appointment. Just make sure you are at the top of the priority list, too.
  5. Get active – Science tells us that moving your body can uplift your overall mood. And hey, you may lose some pounds along the way which is always a confidence booster.
  6. Eat a healthy diet – How is your diet? Are you eating vegetables, nuts, fruit, and legumes? Our diet affects our mind body and soul in a negative or positive way depending on how we eat. Be intentional with your diet and eat food that will give you life.
  7. Avoid alcohol or drugs – If you are not in the best mental space then you definitely shouldn’t be consuming alcohol or drugs. Alcohol and drugs can negatively affect your thinking and make your depression worse even cannabis.
  8. Create a daily schedule – Depression can come from not having a purpose for the day. Schedules are especially crucial if you stay at home mom because no one is making a schedule for you, you must make your own.
  9. Ask for help – After you’ve tried all of these steps and you still feel uncontrollable despair definitely seek out profession help. You must make it for your children, they need you and you need you.

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