
11 Genius Self Care Practices for Stay at Home Moms

Self care Practices, Emotional self care

Self care practices are essential for moms and for all human beings but especially moms, because typically mothers are the main caretakers of their families.

Selfcare practices

This Post is all about Self Care Practices for Moms

Related Post:  Tips on how to Re-mother yourself

The Seven Pillars

A good self-care and routine encompassing practices under these seven pillars: mental, emotional, environmental, spiritual, recreational, and social, if you have self-care practices that fall under all of the pillars you are doing very well. However, it can be a struggle for many people and if there are some of these that you are not doing here are some ideas that you could use the help you take better care of yourself.

What is Self Care?

Self-care is making provisions for your health, welfare maintenance, and protection of yourself. It’s having genuine care and concern about yourself and knowing that you are essential.

Why is Self Care Important for Moms?

Related Post: Want to avoid Mommy Burnout? 

Self care practices are important for moms because typically mothers are the caretaker’s nurturers and supporters of their families. The main nurturer, supporter, and caretaker must be taken care of as well. Usually, it’s up to the individual to care for themselves and no one should expect to be taken care of by anyone else but him first.

  1. Practice Gratitude – Practicing gratitude is associated with greater happiness and health for people who feel positive and have good energy. No matter how bad things are you are still here and you can turn things and it’s never too late to give me a better life for yourself.
  2. In-Person Connection – In the digital age that we are living in is easy to find connections online. However, we are now decreasing in-person connections. Which is still very valuable to all human beings especially moms. The connection between moms and anyone will help you feel more understood. Having a greater sense of belonging you will know that you are not alone. There are many others who are going through similar experiences as you are and there’s nothing wrong with you you are on the right track
  3. Wake Up Early in the AM – Waking up early for your children is one of the best times to develop yourself. There’s always room to grow. The human journey never stops.
  4. Dance – Dancing alone is a great way to get some cardio. It helps you to release energy if you’re frustrated with life. I would suggest dancing to release any anger and frustration.
  5. Write Down 10 Good things about yourself – We have high expectations for ourselves so it’s easy to get caught up on the so-called negative things that happened to us or about ourselves. That’s why it’s really great to write down 10 things that are good about yourself every night. Really try to get 10 before you go to bed so you can go to sleep on a positive note knowing that you are doing great and you are a good mom.
  6. Meditate -Meditate for 5 mins every day. This will help you to clear your mind to create space for more ideas and clarity overall.
  7. Buy a plant and nurture it– There’s something about having a plant that reduces stress and makes you feel better. There’s also an aesthetically pleasing aspect to having plants in your home which I think many people tend to overlook. It’s a source of pleasure that can help you boost your creative focus and productivity. And it purifies your air which is a plus.
  8. Practice Re-mothering – Re-mothering is a healing process that helps you to experience needs that were not met from childhood. It’s a great way to heal so that you can move on with your life from childhood trauma.
  9. Serve at your church– Believe it or not, caring for others is a way to care for yourself. There is a great deal of fulfillment that comes with serving at your local church. i
  10. Detox from your phone– Social media is a place where we are prone to compare ourselves to other people’s lives. In the social media universe, everyone’s showing their highlight reel. Detoxing from your phone is a great way to disconnect and reconnect with reality so that you can feel happier
  11. Say. no as much as you need to – Having appropriate boundaries is the way that you send the message to yourself that you care about yourself.  Let people know there are boundaries when dealing with you

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