
Kill stress with a strong Preschool Home Schedule

Home preschool ideas Preschool home games Homeschool preschool schedule Sample home preschool schedule Stay at home preschool schedule

Your home is supposed to be your place of zen and peace. But lately, with more moms working from home and our kids being at home now, it has become difficult sometimes to keep things tidy and not to mention work. Having a good preschool schedule is key to having a day home with your toddler so this is as smooth as possible. And listen, it’s all about having a schedule, which matters most.


Home preschool ideas Preschool home games Homeschool preschool schedule Sample home preschool schedule Stay at home preschool schedule

What is a home preschool Schedule?

A home preschool schedule is a plan of procedure of a sequence of actions for your young child or toddler to do during an allotted period of time.

Why is it important to have a Preschool schedule?

When you have a schedule you are able to work towards a proposed objective whether it’s to simply be productive all day while you work from home. Having a plan also gets you on track to complete a particular goal. The downfall of not having a schedule could cause you to be unproductive and not get anything done, which could lead to depression in the worst-case scenario.

We have put together these schedules for you to use as a guide to help get your day more structured.

Home preschool schedule for 2 year old

7:00 am wake up

7:30 am breakfast/ guided screen time

9:00 am centers

10:00 am free time/playground

10:30 am snack time

11:00 am nap time

Noon Wake up

Noon – 1:00 pm Lunch

2:00 pm -2:30 pm Learning Activity

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm free play

5:00 pm Bath time

6:00 pm Dinner




Home Preschool Schedule for 3 year old

wake up



morning basket time

free play/screen time


learning time


free play





Home preschool schedule for 4 year old

7:00 wake up

7:30 dressed

7:30 -8 short reading activity

8:00 pm breakfast

8:30 morning basket

9:00 – 9:45 calendar time

10:00 am – 10:30 break/snack

10:30 – 3:30 pm Centers/Free play

3:30 – 4:00 math activity

4:15 pm – 5:00 pm sensory play/art time

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm free play

6:00 pm dinner


Download this free schedule for you to customize and use at home.

Home preschool ideas Preschool home games Homeschool preschool schedule Sample home preschool schedule Stay at home preschool schedule


Adjusts the schedules to your liking these are just guides to help get you on the right track. Home Preschool Schedules are a must for staying organized with your toddler at home. Comment and let us know how great these schedules work for you.

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