
51 Amazing Morning Affirmations for Kids

Whether you’re a school teacher, homeschool parent, or a loving mom or dad who wants the best for their child you’ve come to the right place to get some awesome morning affirmations for kids. Affirmations are a great way to set a positive tone for the day and to improve the overall mindset of your child or students.

This post is all about giving you Amazing Morning Affirmations for Kids that will increase their well-being, improve academic performance, and build incredible self-confidence.


Morning affirmations for students, I am affirmations for kids, Positive affirmations for elementary students, Positive affirmations for my daughter Positive affirmations for my son I am affirmations for kids, Positive affirmations for students


Ok, so let’s start with our beloved teachers. Teachers are more and more looking for positive affirmations for elementary students because it has many benefits.  Morning affirmations for kids help them to know that you care about them as human beings and quite honestly we don’t know what home environment a particular child is coming into your classroom from. Therefore, this positive affirmation may be the only time an adult is speaking life into them. It’s incredibly beneficial to have morning affirmations for kids because the morning is the beginning of the day. Affirming the day in a positive way can be all the difference that is needed to have a good day despite what obstacles may come.


Parents are most definitely encouraged to have morning routines that not only include refreshing the body by brushing their teeth and washing their faces but also refreshing the mind of their children. There is no better person who should be raising a child to be affirming of themselves than their own parents. Your child will grow up to become an adult and these affirmations will be guides that will help them navigate through life along the way.



What is an Affirmation?

Affirmation comes from Latin affirmare which means to make steady and strengthen. There is so much change in the world so much is going on at lightning speed so it’s more important now than ever to teach our children to stand firm and to remain strong in the truths about them that shall never change.


The key to affirmations is consistency – these lists of affirmations can be tailored to where your girl is in her life. The key is to keep affirming herself so that when she goes out into the world she can recite these to herself when she comes across adversity or moment of vulnerability.



Why are morning affirmations for kids important?

Positive affirmations are important for toddlers because it helps reduce anxiety and it helps to build self-esteem to manage their behavior. As your child grows older and becomes more independent, self-care and control will be important for them as they move through life and school. As they step out on their own they will be able to build themselves up without mommy or daddy there and that’s what you want. That’s why it’s so important for toddlers to learn to say affirmations because it’s something they will grow to do habitually over time.


How do morning affirmations for kids work?

If you want to know how self-affirmations work then it’s good to take a look into self-affirmation theory. Self Affirmation Theory says that people have a basic motivation to maintain integrity- mainly of themselves. People want to perceive themselves as good and morally upright.

There are key ideas that break down self-affirmation theory.

The first is self-affirmation- People like to keep an image of themselves as people who are moral and capable of adapting to various life circumstances.

Then there is self-identity- a concept people seek to maintain but it’s a way of seeing ourselves in different roles such as “daughter” or “dancer”. Our self-identity can be viewed as different aspects of ourselves who can therefore adapt to different situations. In essence, self-identity theory argues that maintaining self-identity is not about being perfect but instead helps us to be adequate in areas we personally value in order to do well in life.


When is a good time to morning start affirmations for kids?

A good time to practice morning affirmations with kids is obviously, in the morning when they are getting ready for the day, especially before school if possible. This is a good time because it sets a positive tone for the day and gives the child confidence. Another great time is right before bed. Bedtime can sometimes be scary for a child especially if they are sleeping alone. A positive affirmation that applies to sleeping in bed alone such as ” I am brave and safe” assists with anxiousness at bedtime. Saying a good bedtime affirmation consistently can do wonders. I would also recommend that anytime you feel like you need to is a great time. Anytime your kid needs one is the best time and you (their parent, caretaker, or teacher) know exactly what they need and when they need it. Sports activities, extra circular activities for school, meeting a new friend, or whatever it is. Even just for an extra confirmation though they may not feel anxious at all. Positive affirmations never harm they only can do good. As long as they are always positive and are for the well-being of the child.

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50 Amazing Morning Affirmations for Kids



  1. I am happy
  2. I am confident
  3. I am successful
  4. I am feeling positive
  5. I am healthy
  6. I am strong
  7. I am excited about today
  8. I will be great today
  9. I feel optimistic and secure today
  10. I am always enough
  11. I am incredibly smart
  12. I am strong as a Giant
  13. I am fearless like a lion
  14. I am grateful for all I have
  15. I am in control of today
  16. Today I will be kind to others
  17. Today I will be thoughtful to others





  1. I can do things that seem hard
  2. Hard things help me to grow
  3. The more I practice the better I becomes
  4. I love to try new things
  5. I aim to improve and not to be perfect
  6. I can learn anything
  7. I will always do my best and that is enough
  8. Challenges help me to grow
  9. My brain is powerful and capable
  10. Practicing is my superpower
  11. I believe I can do all things
  12. I believe I can achieve every dream I have





  1. I protect myself
  2. I am open to new adventures today
  3. I can do so much and even more than I think
  4. I am the pilot of my plane I choose where I go and land
  5. I am brave enough to ask for help when I need it
  6. I let go of fears that limit me




  1. I am grateful for my beautiful life
  2. I love my family
  3. I am thankful to have such kind friends in my life
  4. I am thankful for today
  5. I appreciate the small and big things in my life
  6. I am grateful for the amazing moments I’ve experienced today
  7. I am thankful for all that makes me unique and amazing
  8. I love my hair and all of my curls
  9. I am thankful for every gift and talent I have
  10. I am grateful to be alive today
  11. I am thankful for my pinkie toe
  12. It’s lovely to have such amazing friends and I am grateful for their presence
  13. I give thanks for the opportunity to breathe air
  14. I am thankful for my teacher who is patient and kind to me
  15. I am grateful to my parents for giving me love and care every day.
  16. I am grateful for my incredibly beautiful mind.


This post was all about showing amazing morning affirmations for kids to build self-esteem, and well-being and to improve academic performance.


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