
10 Tips to Create the Best Learning Space for Your Toddler

In today’s post covid era more mothers have opted for homeschooling their children instead of taking them back to public daycare or school. Although homeschooling isn’t for everyone it’s great to create a learning space for your child to better promote learning in the home.


Creating a space to cultivate whatever you need is always best. Think about why we create spaces to cook or why there is such a thing as a mancave or glam room. Creating space for whatever may set a particular atmosphere and inspires one to do such a thing according to whatever space is being created. That is why assigning a corner of the room for learning will naturally draw your child to begin learning on their own. It will also assist your child when it is time for them to learn and be productive. They will be less likely to be distracted or need to be continuously told what activity needs to be done. Think about why we create spaces to cook or why there is such a thing as a mancave or glam room. Creating space for whatever may set a particular atmosphere and inspires one to do such a thing according to whatever space is being created.



“Think about why we create spaces to cook or why there is such a thing as a mancave or glam room. Creating space for whatever may set a particular atmosphere and inspires one to do such a thing according to whatever space is being created.



Learning spaces will also encourage your child to know that learning is fun! Often times our children correlate their room as not only a space to sleep at night but to also play. When a learning space is in the room with their toys and other fun things learning will just be another way of playing. Afterall all children learn best through play and learning should be made fun, especially for kids.

What is a learning space?

A learning space is a space you create that has a learning aesthetic and atmosphere with the purpose of having a specific environment that promotes learning. A learning space can be created anywhere in your home. The best places to create a learning space is in a corner of your child(rens) bedroom or a bonus room or playroom



Why is it important to create a learning space for your child?

It’s important to create a learning space for your child because having a specific place that encourages learning will motivate your child to participate. It also creates an environment that promotes confidence and productivity.


10 Tips to Create the Best Learning Space for Your Toddler


  1. Bookshelf.  Finding the right bookshelf is a great way to start putting your learning corner together. What’s a learning corner without books? Once you find the perfect bookshelf you will start to envision where you want to place everything else. The bookshelf I chose is a white Tree Bookshelf Babyletto. They have other colors such as green, gray, and washed natural wood.  If you’re like me you are big on finding pieces that shine and have personality along with elegance, therefore I suggest you take a look at Pottery Barn to find a nice range of options.
  2. Posters. Next, I suggest finding posters to place on the wall. You should choose whatever you want your kid to see every day. You can also switch out your posters as your child(ren) masters a few subjects.
  3. Subjects. Make sure to have the main 4 subjects in your learning corner. Of course, you can do whatever you like, but placing the 4 subjects on your wall is a great way to have a well-rounded learning space.
  4. Bright Colors. Bright colors are always a great way to create a happy atmosphere. Bright colors imply that learning is light and fun.
  5. Eye Level Decor. While you work with your child during learning time you want to engage them with whatever activities you are doing at the time. So it’s important to have the posters and things reachable and at eye level.
  6. Clean Organized Lines. Having everything straight and neat makes your decor all come together. Clean lines make a world of difference when putting your learning space together. It holds authority and sends a message to your kid(s) that yes this area is fun but also should be respected as a place to learn.
  7. Carpet/Rug. The purpose of having a carpet, rug, or mat in your learning corner is to define it as a workspace. It also ties everything together.
















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