
Generational Curses: Break Every Chain

Generational curse breaker,Generational curses definition,Generational curses examples,Generational curses broken,Generational curses prayer

If you are between the age of 25-35 I’d say you’ve heard about generational curses and how most of us in some way shape or form are affected by this “curse”. Usually, when we get really settled into our adult experience we start to see the parts of ourselves – parts that we would like to separate from but cannot. These so-called parts are holding us back and are in some ways dead weight. The thing that makes these parts of ourselves seem like a curse is that we can see similar parts in our family relatives. Now these parts have turned into patterns.

The good news is generational curses can be remedied and we have the ability to let go of these dead parts hanging on to us for good. We can actually move forward in our life for the better, and let me tell you – when you do it’s pretty awesome.

Generational curse breaker,Generational curses definition,Generational curses examples,Generational curses broken,Generational curses prayer

In this post, you will learn all about generational curses

and most importantly how to break them.  So……


What is a Generational Curse?

In so many words generational curses are unhealthy customs that are passed down from generation to generation. Most people are completely unaware they are dealing with a generational curse because most families normalize these characteristics and habits. Many of these customs can be micro-aggressions that are hard to point out or even make sense of. Families tend to hurt each other the most because there are rarely any boundaries set, compared to say a friend or co-worker. So the lines are crossed all day long and no one talks about it. It usually is seen as “that’s just the way our family does things”.

Then there are the generational curses that are obvious and we see these same habits in several family members. Bad habits such as alcoholism or any type of drug addiction are an example of these habits that are obviously harmful – the family knows this but it’s just hard to shake. A lof the time it’s the root issue that the entire family shares together that is never solved or even addressed that causes certain family members to cope using material addictions.


Types of Generational Curses

  1.  Poverty
  2. Mental Illness
  3. Body Sickness
  4. Drug Addiction
  5. Unhealthy romantic relationships


Are you a curse breaker?

Generational curse breaker,Generational curses definition,Generational curses examples,Generational curses broken,Generational curses prayer

You are most likely a generational curse breaker if you first notice the patterns of your family as we discussed earlier and if it actually bothers you to no end. There are folks out here who see the patterns and still carry on and never make the sacrifices needed to change them. They simply aren’t willing to do the work necessary to break those family curses. So the question is, are you willing to do the work? If so, then you can call yourself a generational curse breaker in the making. If you’re a generational curse breaker then you are aware that making these serious changes not only will change your life for the better but will change the descendants who come after you. You will have a massive effect on your entire bloodline. And many times when your family sees the changes in you, it could inspire them to change also – removing the shackles that were keeping you all stuck for so many generations.

Characteristics of a Gen Curse Breaker

You’re also probably a generational curse breaker if you don’t care what your family thinks of you. Often a curse breaker will be judged by their family for not operating as they do. But a curse breaker will not care, because they understand their purpose and can see the bigger picture.

You also may be a chain breaker if you don’t care about being isolated from your family. When you are on a different path chances are your family is another another path this is not aligned with yours and this will require distance. But once again, you have an over-standing of why you must stay away. It doesn’t always feel good or comfortable, but. you know deep down is absolutely necessary.

How to Break Generational Curses

  1. Acknowledge there is an issue and something is wrong

  2. Learn about your particular generation curse you are trying to overcome

  3. Learn about yourself and the things that need to change

  4. Discuss the problem with someone you trust or a counselor

  5. Change for the better

  6. Be willing to free yourself from anything that tries to keep you back (even family)


We will have another post describing in detail how you can break your family’s generational curses so make sure to subscribe and comment below to be notified of more blogs related to this. We are all in this together if we stay connected and build community. Overall, the fact you are here reading this shows you are special and have a bright life ahead of you. So keep going and keep striving to become a better you. It’s worth it, we promise!

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